The Solid Rock Church of God in Nature

Our Mission

Lindisfarne Castle, Northumberland

The church serves as a mighty fortress defending science and scientists from those who would destroy it: evolution skeptics, climate change deniers, anti-vaxxers, and flat-earthers, among many others. It also defends faith in the realization that the Divine and Nature are One. 

The church is led by the Reverend Charles Darwin Brown. He is a mastiff protecting science, scientists, and students of science.  He follows in the footsteps of Thomas Henry Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, who was a fierce defender of Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection. In addition, he critiques religious fundamentalists for their misunderstanding of the poetry of the Judeo-Christian scriptures as the literal word of God. 

He wields special scorn for those who call themselves "Creation Scientists."

Charles Darwin Brown, Pastor

They cannot be described as bad scientists because they are not scientists at all. Science is like baseball, it is played according to a certain set of rules. If you do not follow the rules of baseball, whatever else you might be doing, you are not playing baseball. Similarly, science also proceeds according to a certain set of principles. Scientific theories must be empirically testable and falsifiable. Experimental results must be replicated before they are trusted and should generate new empirically testable theories. If you do not follow these principles of the scientific method, whatever else you might be doing, you are not conducting scientific research. 

Creation "science" is not bad science, it is bad theology. Its advocates do not appear to have read past the first chapter of Genesis; if they had read any further they would have noticed that the second chapter contradicts the first. They certainly show no evidence of reading the Gospels; they are more Mesopotamian cultists than Christians. In contesting the distortions of the fundamentalists, Charles Darwin Brown defends faith in an infinite and eternal Divine Nature.

The church chapel is located in Crockett Cove, Stonington, ME at the site of the Fibonacci Studio.

The lives of most of the people important to this story are well documented; Wikipedia has entries for the abolitionist John Brown, his wife Mary Ann Day,  the naturalist Charles Robert Darwin, his wife Emma Wedgwood, and their eldest surviving daughter, Henrietta Emma "Etty" Darwin. But Charles Darwin Brown and his father Charles Day Brown were lost to history. These brief biographies strive to repair those elisions from the historical record.

Biography of Charles Darwin Brown